Who's Gonna Pay the Check Day 2

10:59 AM
So, I just received the advice that instead of adding these entries to the bottom of my original blog, maybe I create NEW blogs, so the new updates are easier to see..hope this helps!?😁

UPDATE(a day later: 3/19/18): 
When I went to bed last night after writing my blog, 
I went to another dating app, and Will's picture was the first to come up:
You might wonder if Will is his real name, as I did, 
but my girlfriend who searched his name, while I was writing my blog last night 
(she is good at this), 
found that he had declared bankruptcy on December 15, 2017, 
and she found also these little tidbits of information:
Truly, I feel more sorry for a guy who would do something like this. I told him that I had a hard weekend too, and so that was why I had gotten up and gotten myself so dressed up...as if...for success. 
What kind of a position must he be in financially and emotionally to do something like this to an unsuspecting woman who only had been pleasant to him???

Live and learn.  
I always expect people to be good, but unfortunately, who knows why
...not all are.
Here is to be thankful for the lessons that we can learn from those people, and only wish them the best...wouldn't do anyone any good, at this point, to wish anything less.

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