Dress Like You WANT to Feel

7:08 AM
My mother always taught me that "it is more important to look good, than to feel good."
Now, my sisters and I all agree that, of course, it is REALLY important to keep your insides healthy, so it reflects on the outside, but, still, my mother taught us a valuable lesson.

That is: no matter how you feel, you always need to look like you put effort into your appearance.  I know!  Sometimes this is not EASY!!  Sometimes, we all feel down and out, and sorry for ourselves, but, just, if you can pull yourself up outa bed, and put your "show" on...I guarantee, it will make you feel better!!

Then the world perceives you in a good way, and treats you with respect and kindness, thus, in turn making you feel great...or at least better...for sure not worse!!

It really isn't that hard to look put together now-a-days...no matter what kind of income you have,  With those discount retail stores like Nordstrom Rak, Century 21, TJ Maxx, etc selling designer pieces for a fraction of the cost, you can walk away looking like a designer fashion plate...as long as you can reflect CLASS, which will take us into an entire new dimension!

Class is demonstrated when a person can portray humility, respect and kindness when treated by other people.  Class is the way you appear, but can also be how you treat people.

Although, it makes ME feel good to go all out with a feather-boa, and Aqua-marine pendant, YOU really don't have to...just ALWAYS blow dry your hair, if you are a woman, go to the extra effort whenever you leave the house to put on lipstick(the clouds parted and the angelic choir sang!!) 

LIPSTICK!! You may find you don't even need anymore make up than this.  Color on your lips will brighten up your whole face.  Also, little touches like jewelry are an easy appearance lifter! (You can now get some pretty cute jewelry from CVS Pharmacy, so there is no reason to not have that nice touch!)

Shower and brush your teeth daily, and if you are a man...little touches, like a pocket square ( I LOOOOVE a man with a pocket square!!) with a suit or just clean collared shirt can make the difference in your appearance, and thus how you feel, and how other people treat you!  Closed toed shoes are always going to get a better response that gym shoes.  How serious can you really take a guy in gym shoes?  Unless you are working out, you really will evoke a better perception from other
people, when you go to the extra effort of a real closed toed shoe, and let's face it, when other people treat you more positively, you will feel good...you might even start feeling GREAT!!  

HA! It's funny how this works!!

Finally, always remember that we are always learning...always students of life.  If you can maintain that demeanor, you will always be attractive, and as you attract what you seek, you will always be attracting positive things into your life!

You attract what you ARE!!

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