Don't Park in My Garage!! X

9:17 AM

I was telling this story to my brother and sister, and they were laughing so hard that I thought I should also share this story in a blog.  Like my last one that I finally wrote after 1 year, because my friend kept asking me to write it in my blog because she thought the "Masseuse story" was so hilarious.

I have heard a few times that I should use this blog material as a "stand up" comedy routine. 

I guess I could consider that?

So, like I said, I haven't had a real date in awhile.  By "real date" I mean one where the man picks me up, takes me to dinner and drinks, and PAYS, and ends up being a little amorous.  Well, I'd been listening to "Attracting My True Love: and also "Attracting My Soulmate" YouTube videos.  On the third morning, after listening to the videos, I got up, and went to the kitchen, and there on my counter was my MAC computer with a birthday reminder...for Michael.

Huh! I thought, I haven't gotten a birthday reminder for a long time.

I looked at the name, and didn't recognize it, so then when I looked in my phone, and found the notes I'd written, I remembered him.  I met him on South Beach, June 30, 2019,  at Monty's when a friend of mine, Scotty, introduced us.  We ended up going out a couple of times, but I could sense that he had his mind on something else, and then I realized it was true when he got a phone call in the car, and it said:

 "Elena, your true love is calling," 

 Though, he quickly responded, that's just my cousin.  Hmmm I noted that, but thought that the caller being his cousin was unlikely.

However, that was the last time we saw each other.  

May 19th was his birthday.  I reached out to wish him a Happy Birthday.  Nowadays, I feel I have something in common with everyone I have in my database.  You never know, maybe we have memories, we can make money together or maybe more.  

So, I ended up giving him a call.  He still lives in Fort Lauderdale, has one grown daughter, lives on his boat, and he is single, 10 years older than me.    He remembered me fondly he said, and wanted to drive to Miami to take me out on Friday.  Friday afternoon traffic can be horrible.  

Thankfully, however, there was no mention of where 

he was going to stay after his long drive to visit me, & a few drinks.

While I don't think it is wise for him to drive all the way back to Fort Lauderdale after a night full of drinking, I also thought he is a grown man, and knows the extent of his capability, and there would be absolutely no way he could spend the night with me.

Michael called me a few times everyday after that first birthday phone call, and seemed to be very enamored with me.  He said that the problem before was that he was ending a relationship that was toxic, and it didn't end right away.

Then, Thursday night before our date on Friday, I went out to dinner with a couple, who are friends of mine.  They took me to Caffe Violetto in Coral Gables, Miami, FL.  I told my friend Eileen about the date the next night.  I told her the whole story, and then that I thought I would take him to a nice restaurant close by where I live on the Miracle Mile, "Forte," that I can walk to.  However, when I told him that, he quickly asked if he could park in my garage and we could walk together.  

At first I said , "sure, that would be fine."

Then I thought about it.  This wasn't a good sign, I didn't think.  I didn't feel good about him parking in my garage.  I mean, I hadn't seen him in 3 years, and in the past, I feel that men have used the idea of parking in my garage, as a way of getting in my building, and then I think it would be harder to say GOOBYE to a guy, and go up to my condo ALONE!!

Eileen, fervently agreed.  She said she thought it was a "PRIVILEGE" to park in my garage!!  She said firmly, after thinking about it, "NO!!  TRACY, DON"T LET HIM PARK IN YOUR GARAGE."  

I have known Eileen and her husband Jose, for maybe a year, when they first took me to Caffe Violetto, after we first met at Bulla, and they took me and my friend to Caffe Violetto. Now I am fortunate enough to be part of the team that is listing this amazing famous restaurant, with delicious food, and the same ownership for 22 years, for sale!!  Also, I'm fortunate enough to say that both of the owners are now good friends of mine.💓

Anyway, Friday night came, and I had decided that I was no longer going to direct my date to take me to Forte, as he was waiting to hear from me where we were going to go.  So instead, I decided that we were going to go to Fiola in South Miami, also very nice, but we were going to need to DRIVE there!  There would be no discussion anymore of parking in my garage!!😅  Good!  Whew! That was a relief, and I was happy to know that I got that all figured out on my own.  

There would be no more mention of "parking in my garage."

Michael was running late, from some "gas leak" catastrophe that happened at work, and ended up not getting to Coral Gables for our date until 7:30 or 8pm, (I had promised him we'd have fun, and he wouldn't think of that anymore, but then he called up from the car, and said he was:


I said, "where are you?"  

He said, "in your garage."  

I freaked out.  I said, "DON"T PARK IN MY GARAGE."  

He sounded a little disgruntled at my reaction, after driving all that way to see me, and said he would wait for me IN THE GARAGE in his truck.

I hurried, and grabbed my things, and then met him in the garage.  He looked unhappy by my reaction, after he'd just driven over an hour to see me, but brightened up by my cheery attitude, and liked my look he said.  I told him quickly, "We will be going to a very nice restaurant in South Miami that is close to a place we can go after dinner and hear live music!!"  I had come up with a great plan that he was very pleased with.😅

We went to dinner at Fiola, which was very nice.  I offered to share whatever we order, as I am not eating much right now.  I am down to one meal a day for health benefits, but I allow myself to start eating at dinner, and I am flexible with how much I eat and drink on drinking alcohol til the weekend is my new diet...unless it is wine served at church events during the week!!  I usually offer to share anyway, because dinners in Miami can get quite expensive, and unless a guy really wants to pay for 2 meals, I don't expect him to...especially when we are just getting to know each other, as Michael and I were.

Still, I noticed that Michael, although he agreed to share, spared no expense on a $62 appetizer of a ceviche tower that was good, but I let him eat most of it, and then we shared Lobster Ravioli, which wasn't more than 5 Ravioli's, which was, in fact, AMAZING.  I could have eaten the whole thing myself!!  We split it evenly, and this big guy seemed to be satisfied, as I was, as well.

Finally, after dinner, we drove 2 minutes over to Bouganvillea, which is one of my favorite haunts in Coral Gables.  Relaxed dress, and great music Wednesday through Sunday...super fun!!  We scored a couple of barstools, after finagling with the staff on how it could be done because, traditionally, on a weekend night, they remove the bar stools to make room for more people to stand by the bar.  However, as is anywhere, I've found that you just have to know who to talk to.😎

We had a great time.  I drank more than I have since I've been doing this low food/alcohol diet for a month that has me down 13-15lbs, but I really felt normal.  We shared a couple pecks on the lips and big deal.

Then, together, around 11-11:30pm, we decided that it was time to end the night.  However, Michael had reserved all of my weekends from then on out because he was so taken by me.  He said that he didn't know why he chose that other girl the last time we went out because, 

"Look at you!!  You are just stunning!" I think he said.  

Michael was making me feel pretty happy and special.  I really felt like I needed this... especially after the way that Flake just dumped me for another shiny thing, after telling me all the same things that I understand that he told this new girl. 

Every girl just wants to feel like she is SPECIAL.  Michael was really making me feel special.💕

Michael kept making the joke that he couldn't believe that I thought he would want to sleep in my garage.  He said, maybe it wasn't a good idea for him to drive home, but that he was just going to drive us home to my garage, PARK IN MY GARAGE, and then go stay in the Four Seasons!!!  

Michael, asked me, "What do you think of that!!"  

Like it was going to change my response, about parking in my garage, but I just giggled, and shrugged my shoulders.

We then made the 15-20 minute trip back to my building, and Michael started slowing down on the busy Douglas Rd, right next to my building.  Usually a good place for people to pick me up or drop me off is just past the building on the street that crosses with Douglas.  However, for one brief moment, I started getting the feeling that the building was just RIGHT THERE.  Michael had slowed down to a stop next to my building with the traffic. 

 Then in sudden moment, Michael asked the question, "Is that your building?" 

I responded, Yep! Leaned over, slammed a quick kiss on his lips, pushed open the door, and hopped out! Slammed the door shut, as I heard him saying, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?"

Then stood outside the truck, waving, as the light changed, and he drove off.

Realizing, that wasn't exactly the way that I wanted the date to end, but I think I started feeling pressure from the impending "Good-night" ritual.  Also realizing that was not the first time I had done that, and each time it has left me feeling a little empty, like that is not the way that I want the night to end, but I realize now hate goodbyes, but there is no question, and I don't want any misunderstanding, that I intend to end the night alone.😞

The next morning we talked briefly, but the impending date the next night never happened, and we didn't even speak for a couple of days, because he felt the reason that I jumped out was because I didn't want him to "PARK IN MY GARAGE," and Michael took this personally, and was very angry about this."

Anyway, after a few silent days, Michael is now back in touch with me, and calling me everyday, after we talked and discussed how it is so very hard to find someone at our age, with the same ideals, political beliefs, healthcare/immunization/Covid beliefs, and then also chemistry!!! Michael is also a very interesting guy, and now he says that I STILL owe him a 1st kiss.  He is not satisfied with the pecks he got in the middle of our date, and he remembered we never kissed when we went out the first couple times long ago.  

So, I am looking forward to seeing him again & hopeful💕💗. 

This weekend I'm in Panama' and he's in NY for business, but the next date is impending, and I figure this is a good thing.  No pressure, and we are having a chance to get to know each other each day over the phone. 💓  

Which I think is amazing!!!😁😍

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