Changing it Up!!

9:00 PM

You know when your life isn't going exactly as you'd hoped, it's time to make some changes...
as nothing can change until YOU DO!!! 

This South Beach Happy Hour Rockin' girl is now, 2.5 years later, hitting Coral Gables church services instead of happy hour most nights.  It's like my sister, Jaclyn said once, it's not the people going to church all the time whose lives are going's the ones who feel they need the most prayers, and God's help.  Well at the age of 53, this year I became that person.
2022 started a little rocky for me.  
First, I went on a routine dental visit, which ended up a surgery that I did not intend, understand or advise.  However, once I realized what the dentist was doing: burning off the interior lining of my lips that is attached to my teeth.  
(But I sat in his chair, and let him do it, 
because by the time I realized he was lasering off the inside of my lips, the "Frenum."
However, I didn't want to stop him as he was only half way through).
It was a horrifying experience, and the whole way through he was laughing at me because he thought I was funny & kidding, but actually the experience horrified me, 
and I left feeling mutilated.  
I briefly considered a lawsuit, but then decided I didn't want to bring that negativity into my life, so I just prayed for all of us, and paid my bill, so as to start the healing..  

Next, on my way to a conference on I-95, my tire blew early one Sunday morning, and while I waited inside the car for assistance another passing-by car hit my car, and never stopped. 
So then I hysterically got out of the car, on a very busy highway, 
as I became afraid to be INSIDE the car!!   
It was a long 2 hours on the side of my car with a stranger popping up and scaring me with silver teeth...I told the story on my YouTube LivingTracy channel, but the vender of this conference took DOWN my YouTube channel and all of the videos, 
because they had a copyright on EVERYTHING I filmed there, apparently.😏

Then, the man, we'll call Flake, who I'd known for 1 year, met through friends, and had been seeing for 8 months was transferred out of the state, but before Flake left he announced his undying love for me.  
Flake told me that he realized that I was "perfect," and about his desire to be "exclusive" with me...Flake told me that he didn't "want to spend his life alone."
  Then, when my lease is up in August, Flake told me that he wanted me to move, and live with him in his new state.  This man told me that I would need to take the real estate exam, so I could do real estate in our new state, just as I'm doing in Miami. 
A couple weeks after he made this admission to me, I now know that just a few days after we were last together, (1 week before his move), Flake met another woman, and then without an apparent reason, blocked me from facebook, and all social media before he left at the end of January, without saying goodbye. (coincidentally, we lived in the same building, and so to make it more strange & disappointing, when I ran into him as he was packing to leave. 
He kept acting like he was mad at I had done something wrong. )  💔
I actually wrote another blog totally about this unusual relationship, and you can look forward to reading about that in my upcoming book!!😃😅

I had no idea why.  The last time we saw each other, Flake was "in love" with me.  
Finally, once in his new state, I learned that Flake had picked up with this new woman right where he left off with me (after 1 year of knowing each other.)  
Flake was now was doing all the things with her that we had discussed 
especially those things that I had told him that I wanted us to do.💔  

Shortly after Flake left, my Instagram was hacked.  As I do with many things I don't know how to fix, I asked my friends on Facebook how I could fix this as the hacker was sending out Bitcoin notices and trying to sell Bitcoin, AS ME!!!  ? 
Next she started asking my contacts to vote for her for some "ambassadorship spot at an online influencers program." (AS ME) 

So, now people are sending me messages and asking me about these things. 😟
 Click Here For Video Story  (Temporary YouTube Page)
When I finally got my instagram back a month and a half later, she had befriended and connected with many loosely clothed large women in lingerie.  That I still am deleting every day.

Anyway, I chose the guy on Facebook who offered to fix my Instagram, who had changed his name to David Angel.  (He'd been watching me.  Knew I was religious & also that I have a Rolex watch.) 
Long story short, that wasn't his name, and he hacked my Facebook and tied it up for 2 months, until Facebook would release my 3 facebook pages to me.  
When I get my LivingTracy YouTube channel back, March 17th, St Patrick's day, I told this story!

 Anyway, with all of these things going wrong at the beginning of 2022, I've realized that I really needed to change my life up much more than I ever had.  
I was being fiercely attacked by the Devil.

So!!  Change is still in full force:
I've recently been loving & listening to country music, which I NEVER liked before!!!  
Also, I changed my diet.
After I detoxed 3 weeks ago with a fasting diet(because my juice took a week to get there!), week 1.  
Then week 2 did a juice diet.  
Finally, last week and this week I've just been eating 1 meal with no liquor til the weekend, & 
(then I also eat normally on weekends).   
I also changed my workout to be in the evenings now that I am usually home instead of morning.
I have nearly lost 15 lbs.  
However, I must add that the stress of the breakup with the gentleman from my building, Flake,
 found me gaining about that much!!!😓  
So, now I am back to normal, but I am feeling good, and I'd like to lose a little more...💗

I'm not going to lie, I cried A LOT the last couple weeks.  
You know a detox will do that to you? 
 However, I also must say I'm finally feeling great AGAIN!!😅. 
Like I've washed most of those toxins out!!😅. 
I've also been detoxing my mind with only motivational videos & church.❤️🙏. 

                                                                It's Different for Girls

If you click on that song above, that is actually what was on Pandora, 
as I was writing the story about Flake,
 who eventually replaced me, without warning, notice, discussion or disagreement.  
Anyway, I heard that & realize it must be true. 😕 
I had never heard that song before.

Then,  this morning, reconnected with a man, Michael, when I got a birthday reminder for him 

& called to wish him a Happy Birthday.  

We haven't seen each other in a couple years.  

I went out with Michael when I met him on South Beach at Monty's in 2019 when a common friend introduced us.  Amusing thing is that I always thought I would marry a Michael.  My ex-husband's name is Eric...never saw that one coming.

The time wasn't right then.  Michael called me at least twice today, and wanted to talk again, but I asked him to wait until I finish this blog.  It's getting pretty late!!  (now midnight😂)

We only went out a couple times, and he told me I still owe him a first kiss!😂

Who knows now, he was excited to hear from me.  He's a handsome man, and has a nice voice on the phone...distinctive.  Michael said he's lost like 30-50 lbs and he is on a health kick like me. 💕

The good news is that I have a Friday night date to look forward to, 

after eating light & not drinking all week!😅. 

I'll be going to Panamá next week for a couple days to reconnect with my family there, and get pictures for new marketing materials for The American Chiropractor Magazine!!❤️🥰  

Then I'll be hitting 3 chiropractic conferences for The American CHiropractor this summer.  💗

So time to get back on track...I hadn't written a blog in so long, I almost forgot how.

It does help me heal.

Thank you for reading my story.💃

Sending love and blessings for the rest of 2022!!😅

It's gotta get better for me!!!💖💋

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