The Secret to Living Your Best Life

3:12 PM

 Good Morning, Friends!

Last week I celebrated another birthday, right here in my new home town of 
Mizner Park, Boca Raton, FL!!

Well, I have had the big house! Then, the bigger house…
Trust me, we had plenty of houses, then even a 3 story penthouse above the 
Bay of the Panama' Canal!! 

 Also, I have been happily married for about 17 years, as the wife of a 4- star, Cloyde's Steak & Lobster House restaurant, owner in Naples, FL, raised 4 amazing daughters together, with my now ex-husband, who I still enjoy seeing at family gatherings, with his new wife, whom I love too!  
 How many people can say that?! 
It’s true!
   I’ve got nothing but love in my heart to share!!❤

Then, too, for just over the past decade, (13 years), I’ve explored being single again and re-creating my new life in South Florida, which has been such an adventure that I actually had to create a blog about:, with a book to come next year!!! (I warn you...It’s not PG rated! ) 
However, it will include a few blogs that I wrote, but were never published, 
because they were that "GOOD," "HONEST" and just plain RAW.
Also, working with the family business, The American Chiropractor Magazine, is one of my greatest sources of satisfaction, & a place you’ll always find me. 

Still, needing to do more to help people, and to be successful assisting people in another way, just before the pandemic lockdown, with few events to attend, I got to studying for my real estate license, in my spare time, and now, in my 3rd year, I have become a licensed real estate agent, 
with a great track record of helping my clients buy, sell, invest and rent globally!! 
I am so grateful to have made this list of:
 Top Performers last June 2022 in Miami!!

So, if I’ve been emailing you for real estate and you’re wondering why… 
I apologize if I did not properly introduce myself as your potential real estate agent, as well!   
This, of course, prompted the creation of, so I can help make people’s dreams come true by finding their dream home or business, investing or selling their home or business… 
or even their dream chiropractic clinic 
and always a killer promotional campaign to grow your business... 
to chiropractors!!  

In addition, two weeks ago TODAY, (July 13, 2022), 
I spontaneously (in 3 days), 
moved to Boca Raton, FL 
from Miami!

So at 50+ I am still looking for love!!  
I'll admit, sometimes in all the wrong places .

… oh, but now I’ve even started going to church....
Yeah, that is how troubling it got for a while...

I needed to make sure that I was right in front of GOD!!  
So you’ll often find on my Tracy Busch Pate Facebook posts about the catholic priest’s latest Sunday mass… not as any religious statement, but just because I am always looking for solutions.
I take notes, and I'm happy to share whatever works or might work best for me, and who knows(!?)
It might work for you too!  

I still am helping people worldwide, with Keller Williams Real Estate Company, as it has the best partners, I've found, for whatever your real estate needs are!! 

Please reach out and let me know how we can help you right now, 
while the market has reached it's highest prices, 
so you can get the most for your sale, 
and yet while the interest rates are still low to encourage you to buy, 
and lock in a good rate, so you can make a change, 
AND before interest rates get too high!!

Finally, in return for your response to this blog, we will offer you a 
FREE price evaluation of whatever property you desire or need to sell...worldwide!!  

Just send me what you need//want to buy or need/want to sell, 
location, your name, phone number, email address, physical address, 
and estimated time needed/wanted to do the transaction.

Sending you lots of love, & thank you always for the love and support, and 
to a great rest of the year!!!   

In order to create your best life:
"Don't WAIT for changes, don't TALK about changes, 
MAKE CHANGES."  Tracy Busch Pate

Peace, OUT!✌
Tracy Busch Pate
305-975-3404 What'sApp
Main Office: Keller Williams Realty
2424 N. Federal Hwy Suite #150
Boca Raton, FL 

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