Goodbye Party for the Aussie

10:11 AM
I made friends with Tracey just a few months ago, when I joined this whole 'South of 5th' friends group.  There are about 30 or so of us in all...we kept seeing each other around town, and then thru our friend, Oscar, (the one who doesn't like his pictures taken....).

You will notice that we are shielding him from the camera in the picture below),
but, we were all brought together by Oscar's friendship!

Funny thing about him is that he wants to be in every picture,
but then doesn't want us to show them to anybody!!!
 Tracey, is Australian, and about to go back to Australia, after 30 years away!  Probably, she won't be returning here very soon, because what I get from her is that she is like me.  She has been here, and done this, and now she wants to go explore the world, and see what is in store for her!   

Tracey and I both have the same first (spelled differently), and middle names, and her last name is the street that I live on, which is really funny to us!!
We have a great group of friends.  Such funny things are always you can see the Pepto      Bismol bottle on the of my friends had a short lived little stomach issue...

I mean how can a group of friends blow a whole rainy Sunday afternoon 'South of 5th" on South Beach...3 pm until nearly10pm at night???
Sitting out on the balcony, about 15 of us gathered, watching all of the cruise ships go by, and sharing funny stories from the week or going over idiosycracies that we all know about each other, because there are very few secrets 'South of Fifth!'  
Picture above is with Sylvia, who did all of the cooking for this great event!!
There was more food than we could all eat, and it was delightful!!  
Thankful for Sylvia, because not a lot of us on South Beach do a lot of cooking
...and she is great at it!!
Tracey, left, and Tina, next to me.  
Blessed to have these two great Aussie girlfriends, 
here on South Beach...saying a heartfelt goodbye to one of them, 
and wishing her all of the best to come with this change...

I reminded her...what I learned, and that is:
 "with change, always comes GOOD!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot of fun. It’s hard to say goodbye to friends, especially when you have spent a lot of time. I gave my roommate a going away last Sunday in one of the Los Angeles venues event venues. It is the end of an era if you ask me. Friends are everything!


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