Concert on the Fly

10:00 PM
Funny night!!
So, I wasn't sure I felt like doing anything, but both of my daughters who live with me, weren't going to be home, and I hate to stay home alone, and I was hungry, so...question on facebook was: "Wondering if I REALLY need to go to Happy Hour Tonight!?"  To which I got a resounding YES response, so, I got myself out of my work mode, and got myself together for an evening out...

Just then, I got a message from my good friend, David, who had just left town, but said he had given a concert ticket to my other girlfriend, Aileen, to go to a concert tonight and her girlfriend cancelled on her, so he wanted me to go with her! I answered, "which concert?" "I'm not sure I'm dressed to go to a concert...."
Sent him the above pic.  He said,: "Lyle Lovett and John Hiatt...great me it will be good."

This was all he had to say.  I didn't know who either of those artists were, but I know my friend, David, and we are both the same: we both like good events and treatment.  If he bought these tickets for himself, he must have been thinking it would be a good event!

So instead of "Groundhogs Day" Happy Hour at Smith and Wollinsky (my daughter was working tonight), I decided to go on this adventure ...figured it wasn't a long drive, and must be a good artist, and sure sounded a lot more interesting than another happy hour!!

So Aileen offered to come pick me up!! YAY! HOORAY!! I WAS SO EXCITED!!
Didn't know for sure where I was going nor who I was going to see, but sure it would be fun!!

I was already ready, and she had planned on going alone, so it wasn't long before she picked me up!
Without time to eat, I just hoped there would be food there, but the car ride seemed a little longer than usual...then I realized we were going to the Broward Performing Arts Center in Fort Lauderdale instead of the Miami Airlines Arena, which is right over the bridge, as I'd thought.

Hmmm ok, I'm sure it will still be great...just will be home a little later than I'd thought.

Next, Aileen made a comment about the Kansas license plate in front of us, and said something like, "See! We are already getting a little closer to country!"

I was like: WHAAAAATTTT???
Is this country music that we are going to listen to!?!?

She said, "YEAH!! Don't you know who these artists are!?!?!"
I said, "no, but I just knew it would be good, because David told me the seats are good, and that I would LIKE IT!?!

SCHWOO BIG surprise....ok, now I know I am going to a country music performance when I don't even like country music!!! Then, I remind myself that I like ALL MUSIC...I'm sure it will be will be live, (but I just keep hoping they are not gonna be pullin' out the banjo's and stuff, and like talking all funny...SINGING all twangy.)  The tickets were $70/each though, and I didn't have to pay a thing.  Time to be grateful and just experience and enjoy.

 We got there, and the theatre was just beautiful, and all the people there were so nice and excited about the artists...everyone whom I talked with told me how great this performance will be, and that these artists cross over country David had said.
We were in the 13th row right in front of the stage!  Great location, all of the attendants working there told us while motioning down for our seats.

 Lyle Lovett and John Hiatt, were an older set of guys.  Aileen reminded me that Lyle was once married to Sandra Bullock! WOW! I REMEMBER THAT!  Anyway, they had a cute, peaceful, a largely acoustic performance, with little conversational comedy moments in between their songs, which were pretty funny!!
I asked if there would be an intermission and the attendants proudly told us..."No! This will be 2.5 hours of straight music! We were in disbelief! How can these men sit up there for 2 hours drinking whatever is in their cup and not just have to take a bathroom break!!!??

So half-way through, while we were enjoying the peaceful music, we were feeling like at least another beer and maybe a pretzel would be in order to sit thru and enjoy the rest of this show...I'll take a water...I was just getting thristy!!!
 But to my dismay, and many of the other viewers, the snack bars had been closed for the night.  No more beer, water, pretzel or anything else they were serving.

Sooooo, that rounded up the show for us!!
Lonng drive home on a Monday night, and we both work in the morning.

But now we know who Lyle Lovett and John Hiatt are!!
And we enjoyed long as our beer lasted.

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