Something Always Will Come Up...

3:56 AM
Good Morning!
I woke early, happy, excited and thankful again!
So, yesterday started out a pretty normal day...
I found a great handsome young gay guy who gives inexpensive botox over on 20th Street near Purdy Avenue, and on Saturdays in August, he gives 15% off!! So, I made an appointment, and rode my bicycle over there...gave me reason to get out...and do something in the sweltering heat!  Wow! That area is getting so nice!! I hardly recognized it, and haven't been over there in awhile. Turned out it was next to Publix Grocery store...I haven't been in there in months either, but I was able to buy some dividers to organize my drawers, which gave me something to do all day, which was amazing!! Organizing my bathroom drawers, desk...and my closet is hoping to be organized TODAY!!

I didn't have any plans for the evening, and I never like to stay home on Saturday night, but I am at a place in my life where I just trust in the universe...something just ALWAYS comes up, and usually it is amazing!!  Well, last night was like usual! A new German girlfriend of mine, invited me to a YACHT party at 6pm. That was it..."YESSSS!!!"  Then she explained...I don't know the crowd, another friend of mine invited me and told me to invite friends...90 ft yacht docked like 10 minutes away from where I live!!  I told her...don't HAS to be fun! I mean, even if no one else shows up...we are still gonna be on a big beautiful yacht on the water, with amazing scenery...will still be fun.

I tried to get there close to the time when she was going to show up, but turned out she was running the uber car dropped me off in that area next to McCarthur Causeway where Seaspice used to be, some nice beautiful memories ...there was a security guard in a golf cart there...who appeared to be waiting for me.  I knew the guy who invited us a little, because Sylvia had brought him to my birthday party last month. Fast Forward:

The golf cart drove me through the parked yachts to the big yacht where the party was to be...
I could see some people notice me, so I immediately walked over to the docked boat and introduced myself.  The man who introduced himself as the owner of the boat responded..."oh! It's you!!"  And I said, "YES It's me!!" with a laugh...I thought that was a bit of a strange response, at first, though endearing, and then I realized lately this has been happening to me.  As I have been single for 8 years, after a 17 year marriage, perhaps he and I had met before on a dating website, though never met in person?  Ha! It's funny, but also makes the world a lot no one is a stranger!!

Almost a year ago, I had a bit of an embarassing situation on a date...and then never got closure, because of a misunderstanding on the date, he deleted me from the app, before we exchanged phone numbers, and wouldn't you know that months later, when I was in Washington DC on a business trip (just a few months ago), we reconnected on the same dating app, and then went out again, and ...for lack of a better word...had closure...he had moved from Bal Harbor, FL to Virginia, and we connected in Washington DC!!  I got the full story.  Life really is crazy, but also, I find it is a wonderful adventure, and I am so thankful for that!

So anyway, I always like to get to events early because I make more friends that secret is: Get in early...get OUT early!! Ha!! Yeah, I like to get in when there are few people there at the beginning, and people are then more interested in talking, and meeting new people, and then usually before too late, when the party starts to fill up and before people...or I get too drunk...go home, get to bed at a not-to-late hour, and then I can wake up early, and do it all again!!
So this event was no different...started slow, so that I was able to meet "the family" putting on the party...I guess the man who owned the boat had just gotten married, and I met his wife too!  Near my age, and beautiful, with spike high heels, which seemed to be the look of the evening...I felt pretty stupid to have worn my new diamond studded sketchers...but aren't we on a boat??
Also, the "family" who owned this boat were all from France!! In this picture, you can see my German friend, Sylvia and I getting to know this french girl in the hat, Elise, who was there with her boyfriend to "work" the party.
Well, it didn't take too long for the sun to go down and for a party to begin!  Another nice surprise that I have found since I have lived in South Beach is that it is SOOO SMALLL!! We all are constantly running into each other, which is actually, how I met my friend, Sylvia a few months ago...we ran into each other, maybe once...maybe twice at 2 of my favorite "Happy Hours!!"
 However, I met Nicole my first year in South Beach, before I really had any friends, I was just blindly going to events...usually alone...did the thing and met some people who became my mainstay at first, but I met Nicole at Christmas Caroling on Lincoln Rd...this brought in the entertainment crowd...the performers. Nicole is quite talented and has a beautiful voice...we had become connected after meeting, I guess, because of the press coverage following the Lincoln Rd. event, and then I did the 2nd Christmas Caroling event on Lincoln Rd, and the same people showed up last year, and THEN I had friends!! We had all connected on facebook, and funny, one night a few months ago, Nicole and I both found ourselves alone on a Miami Street, and though we had probably never spoken, we were already friends, and shared what we had recently gone thru as we were walking down the street until we reached a corner where we both had different places to go...well, the party last night brought in my friend, Nicole.
Well, now, it was starting to get late...yeah, there is the late South Beach crowd, but I am not one of those...I could see where this was going.  I had just enough wine, and though I love watching them
uncork the bottles of champagne, I didn't see that party going in any kind of a positive direction if I then changed my chosen drink to champagne, which had just been poured into my empty wine glass.  So I took the opportunity, when Nicole and her friends had to run to my neighbor building, the Mondrian Hotel to get her friend's phone, as an excuse to get an uber lift home at 11pm.  Put my full champagne glass down.  Great night, and who knows, but I was home early, so the whole process may start again later this morning with BRUNCH!!  I hope!!

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