My View of the Eclipse

8:40 PM
So this morning, I woke up, and saw a picture on one of the dating apps of "Mike The Tongue." Now I am not looking for a date this week, nor this month, honestly, I've been so busy with traveling and moving and traveling again, and work, and my family, but I think many single people can agree that much of the time the dating apps are like people watching.  Well, first guy it showed today was a picture of a guy whom I know I met...(And I'm embarassed for him that is the title that he goes by...he seemed ok when I met him, but by no means did he appear to have an extra-ordinary tongue...who knows!!) of my girlfriends has introduced me to "Mike," as her friend, and I think he might be my facebook "friend" or once was, but I guess I can't remember which girlfriend introduced us in person, because although I swiped left, negating a connection, I took a picture of him and sent it to my friend Kat, who I thought had introduced us...she replied that she woke this morning thinking of me, because we hadn't spoken in so long, and then I text her!!  HA! Power of the Mind!!  Anyway, then she said she was going to watch the solar eclipse, but she wasn't sure where...we decided to go watch it at the Frost Science Museum...because we could get glasses there!!  Again, something I
hadn't planned on, but the day just kind of developed from the moment I woke up...So I got some work done this morning, and then Kat picked me up at noon to go on our adventure...we really had no plan because, as far as we knew, the museum was sold out today for the eclipse!! Long story short, we got in with 2 extra FREE tickets AND glasses for FOUR people!! Pays to know people...and to expect favor....we didn't know how we were going to get glasses nor get in, but we just kind of knew it would work out!!                               So now, we started inviting our friends!

Next, we proceeded to walk around the museum, in and out of rooms with our glasses...I'll admit, it wasn't immediately clear to me what to do with the glasses nor how we were going to approach the sun when the Uber driver on Monday told me it was going to "Dangerous" and he was taking his daughter out of school today, so she wouldn't encounter the sun!!

But then after walking around the packed museum...I was like: "OK! WE ARE HERE TO SEE THE ECLIPSE...I THINK IT IS HAPPENING NOW!!??  Then, as we walked down from the roof of the museum where the sky looked the same as we tried hard not to look at it, but we quickly realized can't see anything with those glasses on!!! I was like..." HOW are we gonna see the SUN!! 
Then we decided to go outside into the park next to the museum...I was like "YEAH! This sounds like a great idea when the sun will burn your retinas if you look at it, and you can't see where you are going if you put them on, but YEAH!! Let's do it!! 

But as we were walking out of the museum, Kat said to me, "Wait!! Tracy put these glasses over your eyes and look up at the can SEE THE ECLIPSE!!" So, I did, and sure enough I SAW IT!! At first, it looked like a little orange 'Pac-man' (from the arcade game in the '80's)

So then we went out and sat on chairs around the park...then we looked at the sun again (with our glasses pressed against our faces)...still there...then we looked out into the park, and people had started to lounge around the trees, and were laying on the ground with the glasses pressed against their faces, and looking at the sun!! OK, now we were getting bolder!!

IT WAS REALLY COOL!! I must say, that I'm glad I experienced it, but if you missed it, then, well, it was really bright orange and then as the time past, it turned more into a 1/2 moon shape, and it DID get cooler and darker, as they said it would, and about 2 hours later here in Florida it just poured rain!!

So, our friend, Aileen, also joined us to see the eclipse...

The funny thing is that Kat, Aileen and I are all kind of going thru an amazing change in our lives now ... we have all just moved a couple of weeks surely many changes and opportunities are coming our way, so since we hadn't seen each other during this time of transition, we each had a lot of stories to share, and decided to meet for Happy Hour at Monty's just after the rain storm, and there our good friend, Gloria, who missed the eclipse, but rounded out our quartet!! So lucky, and thankful to have found so many great friends at this time in my life!!


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