Getting Ready For a Big Weekend Away

7:46 PM
Got a lot done!
Started by washing the conditioner out of my hair from last night after the bathroom flood had me hopping out of the shower before completely finished showering...
turns out when I have that mega shower head on, I have to keep on my toes, and make sure that shower doesn't get too full of water for the bathroom chamber or it will overflo, because the other shower head has no problem!!

Then I had a conference call with a new client who wanted to hear his different opportunities for exposure, because he wants to "really build his exposure to medical professionals," so after I went thru them all, he decided to UPGRADE his 1/2 page ad every issue, 13x, in THE AMERICAN CHIROPRACTOR MAGAZINE to a combined campaign by also adding a FULL PAGE in every issue (6x) of the CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANT 2017-'18!! YAY!! Nice surprise the day before a big conference!! YIPPEE!!!  I am so excited for his company, and all the exposure they are going to get to 50,000 chiropractors we mail, and right now, I am taking the magazine to at least 1 conference a month and distributing it, so it is going to have so much extra expsosure!!  YIPPEEE!!

THEN, my office sent out a mass email from ME to our whole vendor data base, and to schedule meetings at the conference we are going to this weekend, which was cool, because we got a TON of responses today from that email, which I always LOVE, because then I have a lot of messages to respond to!!  All nice friendly business people like myself...many getting ready for our biggest conference of the year, and many not, and maybe sorry or not, but all have something nice to share...and if they weren't going to be there, maybe schedule a time to talk to me when I return about exposure opportunities!!  THAT right there is why I love what I do, because I have always loved communicating with people...
and it couldn't be better working with my family, and so then, we are kept united by a common goal and dream for the world revolving around better health.  Don't think we never have our disagreements or hurt each others feelings, because we are human, we do, but we are family, and will ALWAYS get past that.  This was a very valuable lesson our parents taught NEVER hold a bad feeling in your heart...because it only hurts YOU.  Life is too short to hold onto hurts and painful thoughts...course on the other side of that, we may PURGE a little too different times, like anyone, any one of us could be guilty of that.  Like one time years ago when I lived in Panama, I said to my brother, "Joe, this is why I'm not gonna die of a heart attack, because I don't hold my pain inside and let it out, and let people know when they hurt me!!"...and he said, "Yeah, Tracy, but they are droppin' like flies around you!!"
HA! I love that phrase!!  My brother, Joe, is just hilarious.

So, lately, they are renovating my building, and have my 2 balconies closed and workers are oustide working diligently, but LOUDLY, so during the week, when they are working, I will pack my things up and go to one of the two rooms we have is for recreation and has ping pong and a big tv and plush couch and bar and the other is like a meeting room with a long table and computer...Usually, I will stop at the little store in the hallway and get a juice-drink they make with a juicer and carry something else with freshly squeezed lemon water(detox and curbs the appetite) remember I haven't lived here long, so still a little rookie at the packing up and efficient departure, as you can see in the picture above, but I've got EVERYTHING including a little cooler with cold cuts to make me happy downstairs at least for a couple of hours!!
Then, shortly after I returned home, Tiffany returned from work, and came in my room with a nutritional concern we had to learn about in my book of natural remedies and surfing the computer, so I could make sure she is good, and happy while I am away this weekend.  Our search took us down the road to Whole Foods to get her a supplement and both of us dinner!!  Then when we walked out into the parking lot, as we'd been inside for maybe a 1/2 an hour, the parking lot had become a festival with vendors, veggie drinks, and we bought some coconut pulp to take home to have after our dinner...turns out this little group of vendors in the parking lot is what they do every Wednesday night!! I had no idea, but I really had to get home to finish packing and we were both starving, so we didn't stay to long to look around...told Tiffany, my 3rd daughter of 4, we'd have to do that another time!!

So, we got home, ate, surfed the internet, so I could show her the benefits of eating the fresh coconut pulp I bought for us to share, and then finally, I am ready to finish packing, with only one problem...this cat (Tiffany's cat) keeps climbing in my suitcase!!  I forgot how fun having cats can be, but I'm hoping she won't wrinkle my dresses!!

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