9:17 AM

                                                           Good Morning, wonderful people!

Woke up feeling happy & grateful for this day, and that I have a safe home,

 happy, healthy family & terrific friends.

Last night I met some of those friends over at Buenos Aires Bistro in Coral Gables.  I love it, because it is just a short walk away.

After a couple of drinks one of my male friends, we'll call him Chuck, said to me that he “heard“ that I am "DESPERATE" to find a man.  He was giving me tips on how to not appear that way, and then warned me of the type of men who are In Coral Gables. 

Chuck, is a good friend and has known me since I moved to Coral Gables just a few months ago...we met during my home-search.  

He has become my buddy, and we usually meet once every week or two at Happy Hour to catch up with some other friends.

Chuck was resistant to tell me who said this, because he said I would be able to "figure out" where it originated, but the person who told him this was his brother whom I’ve never met.

This was startling to me. I’m not going to lie. It was also very disappointing and disturbing. 

What am I doing to be putting off this aura to ANYONE around me? 

How could people be so misunderstanding me?

After a couple of drinks, I got a call from a girlfriend who I had wanted Chuck to meet. 
She said she was next-door with some girlfriends, so we went by to say hello.

Then, Chuck and I continued walking down Miracle Mile to Bulla to see our friends there.

1st friend offered to buy me a drink, and then said something to me to reflect to "Be careful" of me, as I "Want to get married!"

Clearly, this is due to the video blogs that I have put on my facebook "Being Tracy" page this week to reflect that I am "Dating Again!"

This morning the whole thing is laughable to me.

WHO in this life wants to be ALONE?

Anyone who says they do, isn't truly sharing their heart.

Also, goes back to my mother's wise words:

People assess situations and read people "as THEY are...not as they are."

Desperate to HOPEFUL to me.

The fact that someone saw me as "desperate" says much more about what THEY are going thru than what I am going thru.

I am open and honest that TRUE LOVE (Why settle for anything less?) is what I would love to find, 

(a soul-partner), but make no mistake:

I have been single for at least 11 years, after marrying young for 17 years, and I've had more than a couple of chances to settle for less than I deserve, during that time.

 So, I would say that what others may see as "desperation" is really hope.

I wake up each day with a new hope that someone that I find very special will find me.

And you know what?

Someday someone will!!

Until then I will keep getting up, dating, and enjoying each adventure and meeting 

as it comes, and learn from it what I can.

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