Friend or Foe thru Covid-19? (Can your friendship stand this?)

7:15 AM

Good Morning, friends!!
Well, you know how I am.
I have to share when something REALLY affects me emotionally, and it is always going to hurt to hear mean things from someone who once was (or remains) a friend.

I was going to share on my Being Tracy facebook page, but thought this might be blog-worthy.
Fortunately, through this time in our lives, we can really be thankful for one thing.
I guess we are getting to know who our true friends are.

Anyone who really knows me knows that I am a Trump supporter, and I am out-spoken.
I'm not trying to change anyone's mind, but I like to share how I feel.

My 3 closest friends are all men, and further, all liberals.
One is comical about our differences in political favor.  He is the gay one.
The other one is argumentative, but as long as we don't talk politics, we are good.
And then the other one, I went out with last night.

I will call him Brock, because that is his alter-ego, that is blog- worthy, but I don't believe that I've had a chance to blog about him yet.
I may have started it, but haven't printed that blog yet, I don't believe.  Did I?

Brock is usually a good guy.
I find him hilarious, and I've known him for 5 years, met him shortly after I moved here.

Brock loves the younger girls, and right now has one in particular that is very special to him, 
but that is a story for another day.

This is a story about how right now in the heat of Covid-19/the upcoming presidental election, 
a man's perception can be totally altered.

Brock invited me out last night.
We hadn't seen each other in months due to Covid-19.

I really hadn't been out, nor had I even ridden in an Uber in a couple of months until this week.
Last night Brock picked me up in an Uber.
I didn't know that now you need to have a face-mask to ride in an Uber.
Brock gave me one when the car picked me up.

We had a nice visit and a lot of laughs.
I wore the mask into Monty's, as instructed, because there are signs all around where we ordered drinks saying that you won't be served without one.

Brock and I have different beliefs on a few things, and about a year ago after a disagreement, I blocked him on facebook, until he sent me a message through another medium, that he realized that I was his "best friend," and so now without me, he didn't have any friends.
Brock then invited me to my favorite restaurant, Prime 112, and said he 
wanted to buy me dinner, and "make it up to me."

Last night, Brock was a gentleman, & he also offered to buy my drinks.
We had a great time catching up, and I did a little facetime video to show my Being Tracy facebook friends the social climate of Monty's, which can be seen at 
if you didn't see it.

At one point, as we were sitting at a table near the harbor, some people we knew came walking by...just getting off from a day of boating.  
I heard, "TRACY!  There's Tracy," as they started toward me, 
and instinctively I stood up to greet them.

Then, the girl I knew, stopped & backed off, dramatically, 
and said: "Oh!!  You're not safe!!" 
You don't believe in wearing a mask," I think she said.  
Now mind you, both of these people, and their 2 friends were all mask-less as well.  
Her boyfriend (husband), came running around her to give me a hug, and she pulled him back, 
and said "don't hug her" or "don't go near her," 
something to that effect.  
He said he wasn't worried, but offered his elbow, as she was still holding his arm.

The girl said something quietly to the other girlfriend, as if to explain why they couldn't be near me.
I couldn't hear.

Brock and I sat back down, and he told me that he thought her reaction was a bit uncalled for, 
and that he respected me for always saying how I feel.  
I re-inforced.  
"Look, I'm not trying to change anyone's mind, I said.  
I have just learned that the masks are not the best option for safety, and they are not for me." 
Everyone has to be safe, the way that they feel good doing, and being...
I choose to BE TRACY.
Brock and I met a new couple of neighbors, as they asked to sit at our table.
We all had fun sharing our different ideas & reasons for what we are doing during this crazy difficult time to feel safe, and be happy.  
They offered to buy us both 1 more drink, and we both graciously declined.

Shortly, thereafter, they left to walk down the path in front of the water.

Brock decided to leave, and I stayed a little bit longer, as I had wanted to catch say "Good-bye" to some other friends at a table nearby, so I walked home just a short time later.

Brock text me on my walk home that he had a great time, and decided to go to Brickell after he'd left.

When I woke up this morning, Brock was posting all over my social media that I was "not intelligent," and that I had no right to be offering an alternative way for people to be boosting their immune system with the 50% OFF offer being offered by Live Ultimate for their Elixir and Shrooms, during the Covid crisis!!, and then I also received those messages in the pictures above.

This is what I do to keep me feel comfortable and safe.
Everyone needs to do their own thing.
I can only BE TRACY.

I don't believe that this is the end of our friendship.
We have been thru a few scuffles like this.
But one thing is for sure, people are entirely invested in this.  
People are fearful.
Not all are thinking straight.
It really becomes clear who your friends are through this, and how much your "friendship" can handle, & how mature the friendship & the person, really is.
Have a great week!
I'm sending you lots of love with this message, and hopes that this time in our lives will end soon, and we'll ALL be better for it!!

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