Isolation is NOT for the Faint of Heart

4:22 AM
Good Morning, Friends!

I'm writing to you this morning from my brother's home in Indiana!
Actually, this is the same home where I have many memories from a happy childhood, 
because I grew up here with 2 loving parents, three brothers and 2 sisters.  

In a family text just before Easter, my brother, Dr. Richard Busch III, sent a selfie video of himself here, and an invitation to the whole family to visit this summer, but basically said that I had to be sure come too, because his wife, Jennifer, "really loves" me!  
I just responded, very alone in my South Beach condo, and said that sounded good.  
Maybe Rick could sense my situation, because then my brother responded:  
"Tracy, do you want to come now?"  I responded, "MAYBE."
I had made plans to cook Easter dinner for a neighbor platonic friend, but I really wasn't sure if he would show up, because as everyone is, and had been on LOCKDOWN/quarantine. (for weeks)
The idea to spend Easter with my family sounded amazing, so with that, 10 hours later, 
I found myself on a plane ride thru Chicago to Indiana.  
My brother, and my niece had each sent me a few texts confirming that 
they were excited for my visit.
It's like I've said before:  there is nothing more attractive than 
people who really want to spend time with you.

Wow, I cannot even tell you how much this meant to me.
Social isolation is not for the weak-minded.

I had a lot of time to think, during my alone-time.

Sorry that "Mr. French" had made the choice he'd made that ended our relationship so abruptly.
Imagining how nice it would've been to be "quarantined" with someone special to me.

I even found myself regretting my divorce 11 years ago.
I thought, at least I would be with the father of my children, and maybe they'd be with us too.
And then I wouldn't be ALONE.

I found myself watching a lot of news, which I never do, and learning about the people surrounding Trump every night.  I have to give it to President Trump, because I would have never known.  Every night at those press-briefings, he is NOT surrounded by his "team," and I would have never known.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, donated money to the Clinton campaign, and is part of the Bill Gates foundation.  
Dr. Deborah Birx's, 64, (world-renowned global health official and retired Army physician), husband was formerly responsible for planning the Clinton's trip as their Director of Advance, and I'd been told that her daughter also works for Bill Gates.  
Then, finally, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, who won't pass up an opportunity to negate anything President Trump does or says.
He is PRO-DEPOPULATION, AND he owns the patent for the vaccine for the Covid-19. 

There was a briefing where you can actually hear Trump say under his breath 
"someone should have told us." 
When Secretary Pompeo said that the CoronaVirus is an 
"exercise" in his briefing on March 20, 2020.  
As I researched, I found that "millions of Americans can not only be harmed by the vaccine,
made infertile or even killed.
Quality of life is in question here. 

Are you going to settle for a life where you can no longer hug?  
Touch other people, and show affection?  
Are you going to settle for a life, where you have to shield yourself 
wear a mask in order to socialize?  
Are you going to get a vaccine 
from a man who wants to de-populate the world?
Are you going to settle for choosing the leaders of this country by mail-in ballot???
Will it bother you if you have to have your temperature taken 
before you get on an airplane?
...or go to a restaurant for dinner? 

How much FEAR are you comfortable living with?

As my father said to me every time I would leave the house in my youth:  

"Use your head." or He would say: 

1 comment:

  1. You know Dr. Fauci was appointed under Ronald Reagan. But ok, he had a change of heart and became leader of a global conspiracy against Trump.


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