The Most Interesting Date Part 5

1:15 AM
Last night, I didn't plan on going out.

Mr. Lexus was tired from an impromptu trip to the West Coast of FL for business, following a weekend in the Keys with his daughter.

We had a little misunderstanding at first to deal with on the phone where I was unreachable last weekend when he was in the Keys with his daughter, and I had told him that I didn't have much to do, but then was too busy to talk with him.  Because as things always weekend in South Beach with no plans suddenly turned into a busy weekend with a brunch and an impromptu client friend had come into town, and since I had "plus 1" for the brunch, and Mr Lexus had to go out of town with his daughter for the Labor Day weekend, I invited my client friend to go with me!  Then following, I showed him some of the funner spots in South Beach, as he is considering a move to Miami, so me being ME: I wanted to sell him on South Beach!  I know, I can't help it, I'm always selling something...that is Being Tracy!!
                 When I passionately love something, whatever it is...I need to share it!😂.

 Hence I was too busy to talk on the phone nor text respond more than 1 word replies to Mr. Lexus, which he had said made him "jealous."

Then the other night, Mr. Lexus went AWOL, when he said he was on "the west coast" for business...
impromptu trip....he said.

Like...all night.
He'd said earlier in the day that he wanted to talk to me that night, but suddenly went text responses.

Anyway, at 12am, I text him and told him that I just didn't want to be with someone who was still practicing being single, as he'd said...well, he'd actually said:  "learning to be single."

The next morning he text replied and said that he'd been out on a yacht with his client all evening and didn't want to reply after he'd had too much to drink.

We set the time to talk 2pm, which by the time we were both free was 2:45pm..

We talked it all worked out, and decided that we wanted to see each other.
 Mr. Lexus wasted no time...he ran home, showered, and was at my building with 2 bottles of wine (red and white), fruit, crackers, bagel chips, tortillas, salsa, chips, dip, veggie platter and was great!!  He was there by 6pm.  We sat on the balcony for a bit, then he started sweating...he does this a lot..always tells me it's "healthy!"😂 

Mr. Lexus pointed out that when he pulled into my parking lot, his wife (he is going thru a divorce) had called him, and was surprised that he "had plans," and was seeing someone tonight en lieu of Parent/Teacher night at his daughters school, which he had forgotten about when we made our last minute plans to see each other.  He wanted me to know that is how much he cares for me, and wants to spend time with me.  Also, important for me to know that his wife now knows there is someone else, he said.

Next, I remembered some things I needed a man's help fixing around the condo, so he helped me.  This made him even more attractive to me after a week apart.

Then he wanted to watch the football game and touch each other.  Kept saying that he wanted to get me naked by the end of the game.  This was cute, but I still wasn't sure.

The game had then been postponed due to lightening, (which he pointed out gave us some time to fool around), and we decided that we were going to cheer for the Falcons.  He put money on it.  Asked me how much...(sounded like he was accustomed to hundreds of dollars bet on a game), so I said $100 or $200?  So, he put $150 on the Falcons winning the game last night...I have to find out if he won! Then sent some text replies to some friends about the game.

Every chance he got he would stop and kiss me, from the moment he walked thru the door.

I'm not gonna lie.  I was wondering what kind of chemistry there was with Mr. Lexus.  I really enjoy his sense of humor, and attention, but is there really anything there???  That is what I was wondering...maybe it was time to find out.

Well before I knew it, he had his hands down my top...
He REALLY had been wondering how my breasts looked and FELT.
I know this because he kept mentioning it on our last date.

Well, now he knew...and he said he liked it.

Said they looked and felt GREAT!
Then his hands roamed...everywhere.
And before I knew it, I was sitting there naked.

Then he wouldn't let me get dressed nor cover with the blanket...said he loved looking at my body.
Mr. Lexus said I looked like Marilyn Monroe...a couple of times.

I have a friend visiting on the 6am flight into FLL to attend the HGH gel Somaderm conference with me tomorrow, and I started yawning, so though, Mr. Lexus, said he enjoyed watching the football game naked with me, he started getting dressed at 1/2 time, and kissed me goodbye...texting me the whole way home, and even after I'd gone to sleep, to tell me what a wonderful time he'd had. 💖

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