The Most Interesting Date Part 3

8:14 AM
Did Mr Lexus Make it?  Is He OK??
 So last night I stayed home alone, and just reflected on my life, and what is going on.
Thankful for where I am, and all of the wonderful people who make my life what it is!

So happy to feel like an "Adult"...really for the first time in my life (I's about time!) kids are responsible for themselves, (I feel like I have no one I need to answer to), and I am in a good place.  Enjoying more than ever my time with just myself.

Mr Lexus text me back...finally, after I'd called him a couple of times to make sure he was ok, and made it thru the weekend.  He'd said Sunday that he was just going to watch football, and go Monday to the hospital for a toxicology report to see what had infected him.  I pleaded with him to keep the water down...maybe go to the hospital for an IV, because at the young age of 67, my mother passed in the night from what was later determined as "dehydration."

This is the message that I got in return.

Wow, good thing we didn't rush things with that relationship!
He got salmonella when he was in China on business!!
Thankfully, Mr. Lexus is going to be alright.
You just never know.😊🙏

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