The Most Interesting Date Part 2

2:49 PM
When truth is stranger than fiction.

I started the day normally.
Put the NewULife HGH cream on my wrists that I told you about in my last blog, as well as took a Xenesta X-Fuel packet to give me energy thru day and the night, and keep me stress free with the NuVive Tablets.  I had been planning for a long night! (put another one in my purse to make sure I didn't get tired early), AND put some Liv Labs CBD oil in water to relieve the anxiety and nervous feeling before the date. (message me for info on Liv Labs CBD oil)

The date started with him sending a black car for me at 3:15pm.
The plan was to take me to his house to meet his maid, see his house, and then take me to his favorite Happy Hour to meet his friends.  All of which sounded great to me as I had been a little apprehensive because:

1)  My friend said that he thought it was strange that Mr. Lexus had wanted to use cash if we were going out after dinner on date #2, so that his office wouldn't know where and if he was going out after  the dinner that he put on a credit card.

2)  My other friend who does back ground checks on any guy that I potentially get serious with, and her background check couldn't bring up a final divorce decree.


 He sensed my discomfort, and added this to our Friday night plan to ease my concerns.

His maid, Gina, answered the door, and only spoke spanish, from Peru, so having lived in Panama for 10 years, I was able to communicate with her, and ask her how long she'd worked with Mr. Lexus.  How she liked him, and if there was a spouse around.  All answers came back positive.  She thought a lot of Mr. Lexus, and said that the wife never spoke to her when she was there, and that they had been "separated" for quite a long time.  Mr Lexus was impressed by my spanish conversation with Gina, and she and I clicked immediately.

I had to "be honest," and let him know what my friend had found in her back ground check of him, so he was honest back, and said that although his wife was a lawyer, and maybe they had only been "separated," since July (last month),  he had taken a lot of "shit" from her until then, in their long relationship, as she is a "Lesbian," and would have to see where they were in the divorce.  Mentioned that, being the oldest of a family of 5, one of his brothers was in jail, after passionately killing his fiancé, after coming home early and finding her having sex with his best friend...laughed, and said:  "I'm surprised your friend didn't find THAT!"  (Noted that insanely jealous runs in his family.)

After, one vodka drink at his house, getting the grand tour of the 5000 sq ft estate on 2.5 acres with rock water fall pool and jacuzzi...(I LOVE waterfalls), Gina left, and I requested that we get to Happy Hour, so I could meet his friends.
Next, he drove me in his 2018 Lexus to "Big Al's" sports bar.  His favorite hang out, where everyone knew him, and all told me what a great guy he is.  We had one more vodka there, but nothing to eat, because he said it is all "fried food."  I loved the atmosphere, and all the positive energy from great people.  I was meeting and making friends with a few great girls, who seemed to know him, until he made the comment:  "Oh, no, we are going to have to have a 3-some tonight...aren't we?"

                                                       I was like:  "WHAAAAT!?"
He said something like:  "Well all of these girls really LOVE you, and you seem to love them too."

When the 40 year old girl in the picture above, came up and met me, she looked at me with disbelief, and said that I was so "beautiful..(my) eyes)...and (my) SKIN!!"
                                                 (I thought to myself...must be the HGH!)😃
Sidenote:  In his relationship with his wife, he had a few 3-some situations, which he had told me, left him feeling uncomfortable, because she even wanted them.  Which is one of the reasons that now, he believes that she has gone the other way...sexually.

I assured him at, this point, IN NO WAY am I interested in a 3 way situation...I was just enjoying making friends with such kind people.
                    (I want a relationship with ONE man...who only wants a relationship with ME)
                    Among other things, I don't need a competition for love in the bedroom.
                            SHOOOO I'm 50!!  CUT ME SOME SLACK!!  😂

With this being said, then, he decided that he needed to get me outa there ASAP, and we needed to make our 7pm dinner reservation.  He said that we may be done before the 10pm Live Music and Dancing he had planned for us, but if this happened, then, we could just gamble in the casino!

He drove well over 100mph to get us to the Hard Rock Casino in record time...a smooth, though super fast drive, dodging thru cars on the highway...he masterfully drove like a race-car driver.
I wasn't scared, but did say a quiet prayer under my breath for safety.

Mr, Lexus told me that he is a prize poker payer there, and a couple of years ago won a $60,000 pool that he played.  He told me that he used to spend a lot of time there, and was very well known.

So we pulled up to the Hard Rock Casino, and he got out, greeted the valet, like he knew him, introduced me, slipped him a tip, and pointed out that there were only a number of spots , right out front of the casino, but that his car would be kept in one of them.  Nice.

We walked into the restaurant KURO.
My first time.  
He was excited...told me he had a surprise for me.

We walked in, and they showed us to our table...a round booth with a card on it.
He picked the card up and showed it to me, but didn't seem to be happy that I didn't cherish it.  He gave it to me, but then when I didn't immediately put it in my purse, he said he was going to keep it.
I told him, hoping he would understand, "I took a picture of it." 😐

Dinner was completely delightful.
He asked for their BEST bottle of champagne before we got there, so they were ready to pour it as soon as we sat down.
He asked for and loved the picture of us above.
They gave us menus, but he instead asked them to just bring us what the chef recommends.
This was really impressive.
The food was terrific and I was stuffed.
We each shared each entree they brought was maybe a 7 course dinner...I lost count, but I was too full by the time they brought the last selection of fish, which was ....AMAZING.
I had to try to find room for a couple of last bites.
I had no room for dessert, but they brought us a plate to share anyway.
He took a picture of me trying this amazing caramel with EDIBLE wrapper!!

We finished up when he ordered us 2 Don Julio Tequila shots, and moved on.

Next, to kill time, we walked out to the casino bar.
There was a seat free next to a couple, and then another seat with a guy leaning against it while standing talking to his girlfriend.
I sat down in that one and looked at the guy, and asked if it was ok if I sat there.
He looked at me with joking eyes, and said, "NO!" That he was sitting there!!
Immediately, Mr. Lexus stood up and said we'd move to the other side of the bar.
The guy laughed and said, "HA! Just kidding sit down...let me buy you a drink!"

Mr Lexus finished his shot of tequila pretty quickly, and excused himself, which gave me a chance to get to know this amazing couple, hear their love-story, and make friends.
Then I started getting worried.
Mr. Lexus was gone for an awfully long time.
Finally, he came back.
Obviously disturbed.
And looking physically ill.
Instinctively, I said good-bye to the nice couple and started heading toward the door with Mr. Lexus.
He told me that he could not stop throwing up in the bathroom.
He needed to leave.
So, he called me a black car to take me home, walked me out to the car, like a gentleman,
the whole time looking as though at any minute he could regurgitate.
Honestly, I've never seen anything like it, and it was so strange, and upsetting.

Things had gone from wonderful to really upsetting in just a matter of minutes.
I couldn't imagine what he had eaten which could have caused this change.
We had eaten and drank all of the same things,
and I felt fine.

The hour drive to get there turned into closer to 30-40 minute drive home in the black just around 10pm.

I got home, and sent him a message.
I went straight to bed.
Thinking there must be some psycho-symatic thing that happened to him to upset him so?
Like maybe as much as he says he wants a relationship with me...there is something mentally that he still needs to work out before moving on to a new relationship?

I woke up in the middle of the night, and after reflecting on the upsetting ending to my evening, had to take a Unisom to fall asleep again, which sent me to sleep until about 11am the next morning, and I woke to receive these texts.

Wow.  Scary.
A "virus?"

A friend of mine, "Brock," had invited me to lunch on this rainy Saturday, so I got right up, and showered, walked on this rainy day to "Lime" for a Taco Salad, and to hear about his recent travels and relationships...told him about last night, and then realized I had some really blog-worthy material here.  FACT: it's stranger than FICTION.
Mid-way thru writing my blog, first the chocolate covered fruit basket arrived, with the card.
I called and left a message to thank him, and told him that I was just more worried about him, and how he is feeling.

Then, as I am finishing, 2 dozen roses arrive with a stuffed bear that says: "I Love You," and the card says:   "Mr. Lexus wants to be Forgiven and not Forgotten."

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