30 hours in Palm Beach and the SUPER CAR SHOW

5:46 AM
Good Morning!
It's early...I woke early today, and got up because I have a lot of things going on this week.

First, I have my work with THE AMERICAN CHIROPRACTOR MAGAZINE www.theamericanchiropractor.com.  I enjoyed a long vacation in December, and now I have to get back to work, and get exposure for authors & businesses to 50,000 chiropractors to help their practices grow!  Next, I have this pending law suit with my last landlord on January 21st, which has become more about ethics, and I need to get ready.  Then, I am studying to take the FL Real Estate exam, AND finally, I have these LIVE ULTIMATE Wellness products, which have made an improvement in the way that I feel and perform, and every month we have a luncheon to share those, and so January 23rd, I would like to take some guests to that!  I need to figure out who I will be taking this month!  So, let me know if wellness is something that you'd be interested in, or just making an extra $500-$1000/month, and you'd like to attend that with me?www.liveultimate.com/BeingTracy

So, with all of this in mind, Friday night, "Richard Branson" met up with me, & invited me to go to his home in West Palm Beach to attend the Super Car Show there with him.  The next morning, he made me an amazing breakfast.  I had not realized that he had lots of experience cooking.  I was beginning to realize that this man had a lot of history about him that I knew nothing about.

I had been planning to prepare for the law suit last weekend, but this sounded interesting and different.  After consideration of his invitation, and remembering that I am a "grown up" with grown children, I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, I accepted his invitation!

First thing we did when we got to Palm Beach was to walk up and down the main street, and to my surprise, many of the store owners there knew my friend, "Richard Branson!!"  Apparently, Branson had lived there 30 years!!  Branson told me how he had owned a catering company, and had serviced many of the mansions that we passed on our way to Palm Beach.  He pointed out the owner of Netflix house, Coke, Trump, Rod Stewart, Rosie O'Donell, Rudy Giuliani, Flagler (which was now a museum), Ambassador of this and Mayor of that, and many others too numerous to mention.  It was very impressive.

Subsequently, I found that if Branson didn't know the billionaires in Palm Beach from his catering company, he knew them because he had managed their houses and staff, much like he is now for the one he works for in South Beach.

As well, Branson had a Coffee Shop in the center of town, at one time just down from all of the very expensive stores we visited on Worth Street.  After he closed his coffee store, Branson said he was brought in as the manager who started the Starbucks coffee there, who at their grand opening, had customers lined up out the door for their free cup of coffee, because of all of the fan fair and red carpet that he had streaming out of the entrance.

That night, we ate dinner late, 9:30pm, after a relaxing evening and a visit to the jacuzzi in Branson's home, that was actually very understated.  
He told me that he only has to pay $800/mo rent for it, and that he had considered putting his things in storage, since now he lives in South Beach most of the time, 
but he couldn't get that good of a rate for a storage unit for all of his things, so he has now maintained this small "guest" home for 12 years.  He loves it.  Loves the privacy.
Entrance was in an alley, and to enter I had to walk past his two beautiful and prize winning motorcycles, in a small garage, but the small place was actually surprisingly very nice & comfortable, well kept with super shag carpeting and huge screen tv.  
Branson never settles for less than the best.

After dinner, he showed me the Breaker's hotel.  
Beautiful, but freezing, so I kept my sweater on, and Branson told me he is a night owl, so we couldn't go there until 10:30 pm, which by that time, usually, I am exhausted.  This night was not much different, after the long day.  Still, I rallied a little, so I could see more of Palm Beach!!

Branson showed me around the Breakers, and told me interesting things about each of the rooms...like that all of the painting on the ceiling was hand painted, and that it was re-built twice, once after someone left a curling iron on in the 1920's or so, and the place burnt down.
We went to a very busy & loud bar in the middle of the place, and put our name in for a place to sit, but then settled at quieter table in a bar/restaurant further away from the entrance, 
that had the bar over a fish tank.  
When we walked in, one of the servers there knew Branson.  This was what kept happening.  Everybody in Palm Beach seemed to know this guy.
They talked and caught up for quite a bit, as apparently Branson was the reason that this man had relocated 23 years ago from Notre Dame in Indiana, and had come to work at the Breakers, 
and was still there!

After a great night sleep in Branson's comfortable Tempur-pedic bed 
(long ago my x-husband & I had returned because we didn't like it), 
but somehow his was extremely plush.

We got up late, for the SUPER CAR SHOW.  
Branson was feeling under the weather, so the day started slowly in his pitch dark bedroom.
Branson seems to be more of a night person than, customarily, I am.
Usually I love getting up early for the start of my day,
but with him, I just enjoyed the relaxation time, with no pressure.

Once we got up, we enjoyed the 104 degree jacuzzi again...
I was hoping this would help him feel better. 
Finally, because we didn't get out sooner with his prize winning 
"Cowboy bike," which he usually likes to display at the shows
we rode another 2-seater, and it was actually very nice & comfortable. 
I was a bit scared, but it was a beautiful day, and a pleasant ride.
Branson said I didn't need a helmet because he would drive very slowly and carefully.


After a long day of riding around on the motorcycle and lunch at Duffy's, 
we stopped on our way home, for a drink & a break as the sun was setting.  
I had one vodka, and Branson drank water, as he doesn't drink much & was not feeling well.   
Then we rode the rest of the way home, one more trip to the jacuzzi, and we both agreed that it would be best to get home last night, than to try to fight traffic and his impending illness Monday morning, and I was sure we would both do better today, sleeping in our own beds.

So on the way home, we grabbed dinner at a gas station called WAWA that I had never seen before that had an amazing cafe with all natural food that Branson got us dinner with waters for $20!  
I was impressed, and 
happy and thankful for a great weekend & to be home early to start the work week today!😍

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