7:37 AM
Good Morning.

I got a good night sleep last night, thank goodness.
No alcohol before, which I am sure was a factor.
Stayed home, and got a few laughs from a comedy show, before I went to sleep.

Everyone looks at my fun pictures on Facebook & Instagram, 
and thinks that I am perfectly happy, and that my life is perfect.

REALITY:  I am single.  I got a divorce after 19 years of marriage (17 together) to a great man, but it was a "mutual decision," as he told me when I apologized to him years later.  
My kids are grown, and out of the house.
I get up in the middle of the night, and I am alone.  I wake up in the morning, and I am alone.  I go to bed at night, and I am ALONE.   That is a choice that I have to deal.

But then "some call it loneliness, while others call it freedom," I once heard it said.
It's all perspective.
I have to remember what I am GRATEFUL for each day.
We all have so much for which to be grateful, and I find THAT is what we need to stay focused.  
I keep myself busy, so I don't have much time to FEEL alone!  

I am so blessed to have a healthy family, and sometimes I see my family, but in the end: 
I HAVE TO BE GOOD WITH WHO I AM & enjoy the time that I spend with myself, 
and be focused on something MORE than just myself.

I am not a "life coach," nor am I telling you what to do...
I don't respond well to that.
All I am telling you is my observation at age 51:

We all have our challenges, and disappointments.  This is called LIFE.  

Some are REAL challenges, like HEALTH challenges, 
the LOSS of a loved one. 
You may be battling with your health right now?

Be GRATEFUL for the time that you were healthy or the TIME you spent with your loved one...or that you found someone whom you could care so much about .  
Be grateful for the time you spent together!!

Abundance pressures can also take away from your well-being, 
as in trouble keeping up with your bills, financial pressures.  
Perhaps you've recently taken a pay-cut, lost your house, are putting children thru college?

No one's life is perfect.  Even if it appears perfect, we all have to deal with ourselves, and will create a disappointment, where there should be none.  

Who is the judge of what SHOULD be a disappointment?  It is only YOU.  


Focus on health, LIFE...nutritional options, financial opportunities, new people in your life.

Go out there today, and concentrate on reasons you have to be
We ALL have something.
Even if it is just the beautiful day, with sun in the sky, the sunset,
the bed where you sleep, or the water you drink...
LOOK around you!  
We ALL have so many reasons to be grateful!! 
 Last night I was grateful and amused, as I was walking through Bal Harbor Shops in Miami Beach, and past a man with a beautiful voice singing OPERA at a men's clothing store!!  
This is a very expensive/upscale shopping center...
I didn't spend much time looking at the merchandise! 😂

I enjoyed walking thru it, and noticing all the well-dressed interesting people, and waterfalls, after 
I visited a cafe and got an $11 nutritional fresh squeezed juice.

Unfortunately, BIG or small, we all have challenges, 
and it is up to YOU if you let those challenges, or dramatic people STEAL YOUR JOY!!  

I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS, and my hope for you is that you won't either.
We are alive.  This is the first gift.

Most important, is to always STAY GRATEFUL for what you HAVE in your LIFE, 
and (I always tell my daughters this) 

More health, more people to love and who love you, more financial opportunities...
Your and my opportunities are endless!!

Happy Sunday!
I am going to go now & get some exercise, and enjoy the day!!

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