Baseballguy and the Personality Test X

3:11 AM

I met a very interesting man last Saturday night!

I had been home all day.  Since I've moved, I really love my new location so much that I quite enjoy my alone-time at home more than ever!  All my life, I have preferred the company of others and to be out socializing.  Finally, now, I am in a really good place where there is no place like home with myself!

I didn't even have the TV nor radio on.  I just ordered some furnishings online, talked on the phone to a friend, and my kids, did a little real estate class online, and then napped!!

When I woke, I still wasn't sure if I wanted to do anything.
I marveled that it was Saturday night, and I had no plans!!  Not the norm!
Honestly, it was going to take an amazing invitation to make me want to get out of bed, and do something.  I've gone out so much since I've been living in South Beach, going on the 5th year, that I kind of was feeling that I had the alone/home time stored up!!

Still, I put the question out there on the dating app to a few handsome possible suitors.
"Hey! You look great!  What are you doing tonight?"

First, there were a couple of responses that I found very un-interesting.  Then, I got a positive & interesting response from someone with the profile name:  "Baseballguy10"
First of all, I've always been attracted to baseball players.
BaseballGuy said he used to be a pro player, was in from TX, for a real estate conference at the Ritz in Key Biscayne.  We chatted a bit, and I read his full profile on the dating app.  He sounded really interesting!  It sounded like we had a lot in common.  He said he always looks at the positive side of things, and I could see that in his text responses to me.  BaseballGuy had a very optimistic demeanor.  Also he is 6'2" tall (my favorite height) and Baseball guy is a baseballguy here for a REAL ESTATE conference, and I am taking a REAL ESTATE class online...COINCIDENCE???

Also, BaseballGuy is at the RITZ CARLTON, and I LOVE nice things...COINCIDENCE!??
It was sounding like divine destiny that we meet!!

BaseballGuy said he could come to South Beach to meet me or invited me there to meet him...he said that, "10 minutes ago, I was drinking Ritz champagne and figuring out where to eat here."

I said, "Let me see how much Uber is to go over there."
He said, "I'll pay for your Uber.  I'd insist."
I said, "Oh, WOW, that's awesome! Then it's a no brainer!"

An hour and a half later, we'd both showered, and were seated at the "nicest" restaurant with the best food in the Ritz, we were told!  When my Uber arrived, BaseballGuy was standing outside waiting for me.  We walked inside, and there was live music in the atrium.  It was just beautiful, and exactly my style!!  We hit it off immediately.  No lapse in conversation.
BaseballGuy told me that I look better than my pictures, and he was very happy...I was very happy as well!  He was handsome, but the best part about him was that he had such an amazing attitude, and he was INTERESTING!!  Which as he pointed out could go either way, but I assured him that it was the kind of interesting that is attractive!

Right away, he told me:  "FULL DISCLOSURE, I'm married, but getting a divorce."
I said, "Oh, are you still living together?"  He said, "No."

We really didn't talk much more about it, but to me this was a definite red flag, but he kept me entertained, and without missing a beat, he said that he was interested in me, and so he wanted to do a personality test on me that he learned in his Psychology class in college.

BaseballGuy asked:
1)  If I could be any color, what color would I be?  Why?
2)  If I could be any animal what would I be?  Why?
3)  If I could be any liquid, what would I be?
4)  If I am sitting in an all white room, and there is no way out, and suddenly I feel a breeze, how would I feel?
My answers:
1) "Red-Brilliant, Beautiful and Eye catching"=  He said that's what I am.
2) "Kitten-sweet, cuddly, soft, friendly"= He said that's how I want others to see me.
3)  "Tequila-an upper, fun, happy drink"= He said that's my sex life.
4)  "Free.  Especially if there is a breeze, because that means there is a way out!"= He said that is how I feel about Religion/Death

BaseballGuy said "Wow! Your answers are very good!!  Can I ask you another question?"
So, of course, I said, "Sure!"  I was having fun and was interested too!!

Next, he asked, "You are in the dessert, and you have to get out.  You have 5 animals with you, which one do you leave behind first, and then he wanted to know next? Next? Next... until only 1 animal was left.  The animals were:  Sheep, Lion, Cow, Horse, Monkey

I said:
1)  Sheep has to go. Then the Cow. Then the Monkey.  Then the Horse, leaving me with the Lion.

BaseballGuy said that his last animal was the Horse, because he thought the Lion might kill him.  I said, "Isn't that funny, I was imagining that the Lion was my friend, so I would ride on it's back outa there!"  Another insight into our souls, we thought!

Turned out:
"Sheep", he said "is your friends."  But he said that he didn't think that he could see me leaving my friends behind, so he didn't think that was correct of what little he knew of me so far.  Then, the cow, is symbolic of your "basic everyday needs."  "The monkey is your kids.  The Horse is your passions, and the Lion is your Pride, which is what you are left with."

Then, very happy with all of my answers, and I guess the insight into my soul, he asked to give me one final test.
1)  This time, he said, "you're on your way to your lovers house.  He asked, do you take the quickest way there or do you take the scenic route?"
2)  "You get to choose 20 roses, and you have white roses and red to choose.  Do you choose white or red or what combination of each to give him?"
3)  "The maid answers the door, do I go get him myself or wait for the maid to get him?"
4)  "Then you bring flowers to him, where do you place the flowers in his bedroom, on the windowsill or on the bed?
5)   "You go into his room, do you want him awake or asleep when you enter the next morning?"
6)   "Finally, he said, and this is the last question, on the way home from his house, do you take the quickest or the long scenic route?"

My answers:
1)  "Straight there, the fastest way." "This means" he said, " that I "fall hard and fast" but if you would have taken the long beautiful, scenic route there, when it comes to relationships, you take your time, take a while to trust...don't jump in with 2 feet quickly."
2)  All red.  "Red= how much you expect in a relationship.  White means how much you give."  He said he chose all white with a red one in the center.
3)  I go get him myself.  BaseballGuy said this means I am more of a direct person, and I will handle things myself instead of wait for someone else to do things.
4)  On the bed.   "If you put the flowers on the windowsill, sex isn't important in a relationship to you.  On the bed, sex is important in a relationship to you."
5)  Awake.  "If you want to find him awake, you want him to change/adapt to suit you.  If you want to find him asleep, you wanna love him just as he is."
6)  Scenic route home.  "Means your relationships tend to last awhile."

Anyway, this was a brilliant ice-breaker, though the conversation never lagged.  We both had not eaten in awhile, and so immediately got the Crab cake to share, as I was already starting to feel the alcohol, because I'd ordered the Jack Daniels and Diet Coke, which is what he ordered to drink, and I like to mirror what my date is drinking, as an added plus that drink sounded fun, and unusual for me!  I never drink Coke anymore, and Jack sounded interesting!  The crab cake was awesome, so we got another crab cake to share!  Then, I promised him that I was already filling up, so I was sure that we could just share a dinner!

BaseballGuy had just finished a Keto Diet, and so was still on a high protein diet, which is exactly how I eat!  (No bread, low carbs..lotta protein and veggies)  We ordered the Branzino fillet to share with asparagus, no skin and no head...he said "no eyeballs," which is exactly the way I like it, and honestly, I was already so full just from sharing the crab cakes, I brought most of it home for lunch today!!                                        

After dinner, we walked back through to a bar on the inside, and sat at a table for 2, and BaseballGuy ordered another Jack and Diet Coke for both of us.  He suggested maybe we change to wine, as I almost ordered myself wine at the start of the evening,  I told him, "No, you don't drink wine at the end of the evening unless you want to slow things down, so we stuck with Jack & Diet Coke!"
Finally, I was ready to leave, but BaseballGuy convinced me to stay for one more out in the atrium with the live music.  Such a fun evening, and then, like the perfect gentleman, he called me an UberX, and a beautiful black car showed up, and made sure I got safely home & sent me a text to make sure, and again the next morning, confirming that he'd also had an awesome time!

BaseballGuy text me throughout the next days to keep in touch while he was here.  He'd said he'd like to see me again, but just kept having meetings come up with his work. and then 1 final text to say good-bye on Wednesday, at the end of his busy conference to say:  "Just boarding.  Thank you for a great night.  Until we meet again.😘" 

 The perfect gentleman.....Exceeeept that he's STILL MARRIED!!!!!😂

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